Friday, June 22, 2007
Eye am much better now, thanks for asking!
Un par de personas me han preguntado acerca de mi ojo esta semana. Me place informar que fui a que me revisaran el martes y la doctora me dijo que me había "milagrosamente recuperado por completo en tiempo récord", especialmente si se toma en cuenta que sólo me tomé las medicinas que me recetó por menos de dos semanas, en lugar de dos meses. Una de las pastillas se supone que ayudaba a drenar mi cuerpo de líquidos y la otra restauraba algunos de los minerales perdidos en el proceso (e.g., potasio), pero la primera, que se supone debía tomar cada mañana, me estaba generando un hormigueo muy intenso e incómodo en los dedos, pies y labios; la otra, a tomarse cada noche antes de ir a la cama, me daba ardores de estómago y me impedía dormir bien en la noche. La receta real, sin embargo, era llevármela calmado, evitar el estrés y descansar bien, y las drogas eran lo único que me estaban impidiendo alcanzar ese estado de serenidad. (Bueno, es verdad que quizás no estaba descansando tanto como debiera en esas semanas tampoco, pero el hecho de que esas desveladas han sido por placer y no por trabajo, ¡probablemente compensen las horas perdidas de sueño!) | A couple of people have asked me about my eye this week. I'm glad to inform that I went for a check-up on Tuesday and the doctor told me I had "miraculously recovered completely in record time", specially if you take into account I only took the medicines she prescribed for less than two weeks, rather than two months. One of the pills was supposed to help me drain liquids from my body and the other to restore some of the minerals (e.g., potassium) that got lost in the process, but the first, which I was supposed to take every morning, was giving me this very intense and unpleasant tingling sensation in my fingers, feet and lips; the other, theoretically taken every night before I went to bed, was making my stomach burn and preventing me from getting a good night's sleep. The real prescription, though, was to take it easy, avoid stress and rest well, and the drugs were the only thing preventing me from achieving that state of coolness. (Ok, maybe I haven't been getting as much rest I should the last few weeks, but the fact that these recent all-nighters have been for play instead of work probably makes up for the missing hours of sleep!) |
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